So this is another story about my Sunbeams. It's pretty short and sweet and writing it probably won't do it justice because you have to hear their little voices to appreciate just how cute this was. But I'll do my best.
I sadly do not remember many of the details surrounding this story. I want to say this happened on the day of our Easter lesson, but at the same time it doesn't seem to necessarily fit there. I would like to throw in a blurb about the Easter lesson so I never I talked about Jesus' death and how he was resurrected, those kids sat so quietly and intently and they had these wide eyes and they took in every word I said. I have never, ever seen them listen like they did that day. I can still picture their little faces and they asked so many questions...I don't want to forget that day.
So back to the Ghost story. It was a dark and stormy night. The wind was howling through the trees and thunder rumbled in the distance...okay not really. It was probably before noon on a cheeful spring day at church which doesn't seem like the proper set up for a ghost story, but that's all I got. For one reason or another we were talking about the Holy Ghost; who he is and what he does for us. We use the term "Holy Ghost" all the time in church, but as with lots of other terms in life we don't always think about the literal meaning of what we're saying and how people who are not familiar with the word may misinterpret it.
We were going through the lesson and little Evan looks at me and says, in a spooky voice (PLEASE try to imagine a little 3 year old say this in a little shaky, scary voice) "The Holy Ghost is scaryyyy!"
It was so cute I about lost it! Then try to tell a 3 year old a ghost isn't scary...told you it was short, but it always makes me smile when I think about it. In fact I even quote him all the time! :)
Transplant 4
1 month ago